Badge Metadata

Tutorial: Managing Badge Metadata in TypeScript

1. Introduction to BadgeMetadataDetails

The BadgeMetadataDetails type captures comprehensive details about the metadata of a badge. It contains fields such as badge IDs (ranges), associated metadata, a URI, and custom data. This is what is used via the cachedBadgeMetadata field from collection responses.

2. Removing Metadata for Specific Badge IDs

To delete metadata associated with specific badge IDs:

const currentMetadata: BadgeMetadataDetails<bigint>[] = [...]; // your current metadata array

const badgeIdsToRemove = UintRangeArray.From([
  { start: 5n, end: 10n }

const updatedMetadata = removeBadgeMetadata(currentMetadata, badgeIdsToRemove);
console.log(updatedMetadata); // This will show metadata without the removed badge IDs.

3. Updating Metadata for Badges

If you wish to update specific badge metadata in the badge metadata details:

const currentMetadata: BadgeMetadataDetails<bigint>[] = [...]; // your current metadata array

const metadataToUpdate: BadgeMetadataDetails<bigint> = new BadgeMetadataDetails<bigint>({
  badgeIds: [{ start: 7n, end: 7n }],
  metadata: { /* your metadata details here */ },
  uri: "", //Or 'Placeholder' or something else
  customData: "Some custom information",

const newMetadataArray = updateBadgeMetadata(currentMetadata, metadataToUpdate);
console.log(newMetadataArray); // This will show the array with the updated metadata.

4. Fetch Metadata Details for a Specific Badge ID

To retrieve metadata details for a particular badge ID:

const badgeIdToFetch = 12n;

const badgeMetadataDetails = getMetadataDetailsForBadgeId(badgeIdToFetch, currentMetadata);
console.log(badgeMetadataDetails); // This will display the metadata details for the specified badge ID.

5. Fetch Only the Metadata for a Specific Badge ID

To only retrieve the metadata (without the surrounding details) for a particular badge ID:

const badgeIdToFetch = 15n;

const badgeMetadata = getMetadataForBadgeId(badgeIdToFetch, currentMetadata);
console.log(badgeMetadata); // This will show only the metadata for the given badge ID.


These functions provide a robust toolkit for managing badge metadata. Whether you're updating, fetching, or deleting metadata associated with badges, you have a systematic and structured approach available.

Last updated