Uint Ranges

Documentation Link: Here -> UintRanges

Tutorial: Managing and Querying Unsigned Integer Ranges

1. Introduction to UintRange

The UintRange interface captures a range of unsigned integers using a start and end property. This is handy when representing intervals or spans of values.

2. Sorting and Merging Ranges

To sort a list of ranges and merge adjacent or overlapping ones:

const ranges = UintRangeArray.From([
  { start: 10n, end: 20n },
  { start: 5n, end: 12n },
  { start: 21n, end: 25n }

console.log(ranges); // Expected: [{ start: 5n, end: 25n }]

3. Searching Within Ranges

To search for a specific ID within a list of ranges and return its index and a boolean indicating if it was found:

const idToSearch = 15n;
const [index, isFound] = ragnes.search(idToSearch)
console.log(`Index: ${index}, Found: ${isFound}`);

4. Inverting Ranges

To invert a list of ranges between a minimum and maximum ID:

ranges.invert(1n, 30n);
console.log(invertedRanges); // This would show the gaps between the given ranges within the specified bounds.

5. Removing One Range From Another

To remove one range from another and also get the removed part:

const rangesToRemove = [{ start: 10n, end: 20n }];

console.log("Remaining:", ranges);

const [inCurrButNotOther, overlaps, inOtherButNotCurr] = ranges.getOverlapDetails(rangesToRemove)

6. Checking for Overlaps

To determine if there are overlaps within a list of ranges:

const overlaps = ranges.overlaps([{ ...}]);
console.log(`Ranges Overlap: ${overlappingCheck}`);


The functions provided offer a comprehensive toolkit for managing and querying unsigned integer ranges. Whether you're checking for overlaps, inverting ranges, or removing specific integers from a range, you now have the tools to do it efficiently and systematically.

import { GO_MAX_UINT_64, UintRange, UintRangeArray } from 'bitbadgesjs-sdk'

//Singular range functions
const range = new UintRange<bigint>({ start: 1n, end: 10n })
const size = range.size() //10n
const fullRange = UintRange.FullRange() // 1n - GO_MAX_UINT_64
const isFull = fullRange.isFull()
const inverted = range.invert() // 11n - GO_MAX_UINT_64
const overlaps = range.overlaps(inverted) // false
const doesFiveExist = range.search(5n) // true
const overlapDetails = range.getOverlapDetails(fullRange) // [[], [{ start: 1n, end: 10n }], [{ start: 11n, end: GO_MAX_UINT_64 }]]
const overlappingRanges = range.getOverlaps(fullRange) // [{ start: 1n, end: 10n }]

const rangeArr = UintRangeArray.From<bigint>([{ start: 1n, end: 10n }, { start: 11n, end: 20n }])
const rangeArrSize = rangeArr.size() // 20n
const rangeArrFull = UintRangeArray.FullRanges() // 1n - GO_MAX_UINT_64
const rangeArrIsFull = rangeArrFull.isFull()
const rangeArrInverted = rangeArr.toInverted({ start: 1n, end: GO_MAX_UINT_64 }) // 21n - GO_MAX_UINT_64

const unsortedArr = UintRangeArray.From<bigint>([{ start: 11n, end: 20n }, { start: 1n, end: 15n }])
const hasOverlaps = unsortedArr.hasOverlaps() // true
unsortedArr.sortAndMerge() // [{ start: 1n, end: 20n }]

const sortedArr = unsortedArr.clone()
const [inCurrButNotOther, overlaps, inOtherButNotCurr] = sortedArr.getOverlapDetails(unsortedArr) // [[], [{ start: 1n, end: 20n }], []]

sortedArr.remove({ start: 1n, end: 10n }) // [{ start: 11n, end: 20n }]

const [idx, found] = sortedArr.search(11n) // [0n, true]
const exists = sortedArr.searchIfExists(11n) // true
const index = sortedArr.searchIndex(11n) // 0n

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