The TransferWithIncrements type provides a convenient method for handling batch transfers, especially when you need to distribute badges sequentially or when badges have varying ownership times. By combining this with the getBalancesAfterTransfers function, you can effortlessly manage and update badge balances in your application.
import { BalanceArray, TransferWithIncrements, getAllBadgeIdsToBeTransferred, getAllBalancesToBeTransferred } from'../packages/bitbadgesjs-sdk'conststartingBalances=BalanceArray.From([ { amount:100n, badgeIds: [{ start:1n, end:100n }], ownershipTimes: [{ start:1628770800000n, end:1628857200000n }], },])constbatchTransfer=newTransferWithIncrements<bigint>({ from:'Mint',// replace with your address balances: startingBalances, toAddresses: [],// this will be empty because we're using `toAddressesLength` toAddressesLength:100n, incrementBadgeIdsBy:1n, incrementOwnershipTimesBy:86400000n,// assuming this is 1 day in milliseconds in BigInt form})constallBadgeIds=getAllBadgeIdsToBeTransferred([batchTransfer]) // returns [{ start: 1n, end: 100n }]constallBalancesToBeTransferred=getAllBalancesToBeTransferred([batchTransfer]) // returns [{ amount: 100n, badgeIds: [{ start: 1n, end: 100n }], ownershipTimes: [{ start: 1628770800000n, end: 1628857200000n }] }