You can use the following functions to get the approval combinations that have unhandled. If unhandled, they are disapproved.
Copy export function getUnhandledCollectionApprovals (
collectionApprovals : CollectionApprovalWithDetails < bigint >[] ,
ignoreTrackerIds ?: boolean
doNotMerge ?: boolean
Copy export function getUnhandledUserOutgoingApprovals (
approvals : UserOutgoingApprovalWithDetails < bigint >[] ,
userAddress : string ,
doNotMerge ?: boolean
Copy export function getUnhandledUserIncomingApprovals (
approvals : UserIncomingApprovalWithDetails < bigint >[] ,
userAddress : string ,
doNotMerge ?: boolean
Use the following functions to add the default user approvals to an existing set of approvals. For incoming, this will be: if unhandled, approve only if to == initiatedBy. For outgoing, vice versa.
Copy export function appendSelfInitiatedOutgoingApproval (currApprovals : UserOutgoingApprovalWithDetails < bigint >[] , userAddress : string ) : UserOutgoingApprovalWithDetails < bigint >[]
Copy export function appendSelfInitiatedIncomingApproval (currApprovals : UserIncomingApprovalWithDetails < bigint >[] , userAddress : string ) : UserIncomingApprovalWithDetails < bigint >[]