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BitBadges authentication uses an OAuth URL with custom parameters:
Users will visit this URL to authenticate and receive an authorization code. This code will be passed behind the scenes for digital flows via the redirect or it will be the actual QR code for in-person / delayed flows.
By default, Sign In with BitBadges will handle multi-chain authentication for the user (in other words, checking address ownership). You can additionally:
Specify the scope
to request additional BitBadges API permissions for the user (e.g. 'Complete Claims,Read Address Lists')
Specify a claimId
to display a specific claim to the user
"Attaching" a Claim
And what does attaching a BitBadges claim open up?
Check other social sign-ins (e.g. Discord, Twitter, GitHub, Google)
Check badge ownership, receive private attestations from the user accounts, check criteria from the 7000+ connected apps and integrations, and much more!
Create OAuth apps at
is mandatory (obtained from app registration)
required for instant auth, optional for delayed auth
If redirect_uri
is blank, QR code is generated and stored in user's account
See OAuth tutorials for more details
This is only needed for authorized BitBadges API access. By default, you will verify address ownership with no scopes.
Format: scope: 'Complete Claims,Read Address Lists'
View all available scopes at
Specify required claim to be satisfied with claimId
Create the claim in the developer portal. See claim docs for more details.
hides if user passed claim
is used by us to catch errors early. If the user fails to meet claim criteria, we will not allow them to proceed. This should be false if they are not expected to pass criteria at SIWBB time.
Claims are not a part of the core authentication process. You need to verify them separately server-side to ensure the user has met the criteria.
Receive attestations from the user directly via the sign-in process. This is a more direct alternative rather than needing to set up a custom plugin in a claim.
Note, like claims, these are not a part of the core authentication process. You need to verify them separately server-side to ensure the user has met the criteria.
While we do our best to maintain well-formedness, treat BitBadges as the middleman. Verify all on your end.