🔨Getting Started

All major flows are fully supported directly in the BitBadges site! We envision that >95% of use cases can be fully implemented directly in-site with no additional code / logic needed.

If you do need more advanced functionality or are confused at any part, we refer you to the respective parts of this documentation for more information. The developer documentation can help you implement more custom applications and flows.

Please reach out in Discrd if you are having trouble, have feedback, or have feature requests!

Creating Badges, Lists, Attestations, Protocols

Head over to the BitBadges site -> Create tab to get started! The forms should walk you through the entire process. You can then manage them from their respective page.

In-Site Claims

For in-site claims, head over to the respective list / badge page and complete the claim forms. Note that some creators might implement custom flows which are handled outside the BitBadges site. This is specific to the badge collection / list.

Setting Protocol Values

For manually setting protocol values, you can do so on the protocols page.

Adding Attestations via Invite Codes

If you are the recipient or holder of an attestation, the issuer or creator may give you an invite code to add it to your account. The attestation can then be added on the Attestations -> Add via Code page.

Sign In with BitBadges

Sign In with BitBadges is a more developer-oriented flow since you will have your own server or resource you are gating access to. We refer you to the documentation here.

🖱️Sign In with BitBadges

Last updated