Fetching Collections

The main use case of the API are fetching collection and fetching account information. This page explains fetching collections. Collections are stored and fetched as the BitBadgesCollection interface. Visit the SDK docs for lots of useful functions for dealing with collections. See the quickstart repo for a working example with fetching them.

//Option 1:
const res = await BitBadgesApi.getCollections({
  collectionsToFetch: [
      collectionId: 1n,
      metadataToFetch: {
        badgeIds: [{ start: 1n, end: 10n }],
      fetchTotalAndMintBalances: true,
      viewsToFetch: [
          viewType: 'owners',
          viewId: 'owners',
          bookmark: '',
const collection = res.collections[0]

//Option 2:
// const collection = await BitBadgesCollection.FetchAndInitialize(BitBadgesApi, { collectionId: 1n, metadataToFetch: { badgeIds: [{ start: 1n, end: 10n }] }, fetchTotalAndMintBalances: true, viewsToFetch: [{ viewType: 'owners', viewId: 'owners', bookmark: '' }] })

console.log(collection.getBadgeBalanceInfo('cosmos....') //returns whole doc w/ approvals and more not just balances

Pruning Requests + Pruning Paginations

Response details are confined to the request parameters passed in, so this means that merging responses with previous responses needs to be handled. Another thing you might want to do is to not fetch metadata you have previously fetched. For example, if you have already fetched Badge ID 1's metadata, you do not want to fetch it again.

To make this easy, we have exported the following function which prunes requests before they are sent and appends the new results to the cached values.

const res2 = await BitBadgesApi.getCollections({
    collectionsToFetch: [
            collectionId: 1n,
            metadataToFetch: { badgeIds: [{ start: 11n, end: 20n }] },
const collection2 = res2.collections[0];

Or, if you use many of the class functions, these are handled behind the scenes for you!

await collection.fetchMetadata(BitBadgesApi, { metadataToFetch: { badgeIds: [{ start: 11n, end: 20n }] } })
await collection.fetchNextForView(BitBadgesApi, 'owners', 'owners')
await collection.fetchAndUpdate(BitBadgesApi, { .... })

You may also find the following functions useful to be more efficient:

const isRedundant = collection.isRedundantRequest({...})
const newBody = collection.pruneBody()


Mint / Total Supply

The "Mint" or unminted balances as well as the "Total" supply balances are treated just as any other user's balances.

Fetching Balances from API

To fetch the total and mint balances, you can fetch them in a request with the fetchMintAndTotalBalances set to true. They will then be stored in the owners array of the returned collection.

To fetch a generic user address balance, you can fetch them with the following command. This will also append that balance to the owners array.

await collection.fetchBadgeBalances(BitBadgesApi, 'cosmos....');

Using Balances

You can fetch then use the balances using one of two methods below, but note that they must be fetched prior or else may return undefined (or throw is you use the mustGet function).

collection.owners.find((x) => x.cosmosAddress === 'Mint');
collection.owners.find((x) => x.cosmosAddress === 'Total');
console.log(collection.getBadgeBalanceInfo('cosmos....') //returns whole doc w/ approvals and more not just balances

getBadgeBalances returns just the balances, whereas getBadgeBalanceInfo returns the whole balance document (approvals, permissions, and balances).

Fetching Speciifc Badge Balances

Everything above handles balances on a collection level, but sometimes, you may want to fetch activity / balances for a specific badge ID. You can do so via the badge-specific API routes; however, note you have to handle paginations yourself.

const { activity, pagination } = await collection.getBadgeActivity(BitBadgesApi, 1n, { bookmark: '...' })
const { owners, pagination } = await collection.getOwnersForBadge(BitBadgesApi, 1n, { bookmark: '...' })

NSFW / Reported

NSFW or reported collections will be flagged with the nsfw or reported properties. Everything is still fetched as normal with typical requests, and it is up to you to do what you want with these accounts.

On the app, we provide a warning message and replace all metadata with placeholders.

nsfw?: { badgeIds: UintRange<T>[], reason: string };
reported?: { badgeIds: UintRange<T>[], reason: string };


The fetched collection metadata (if requested) will be stored in cachedCollectionMetadata. The requested badge metadata will be fetched and stored in cachedBadgeMetadata. Subsequent fetches will append the new metadata to the existing cachedBadgeMetadata. See the SDK for handling these fields.

Badge Metadata

Note this is different from collectionMetadataTimeline and badgeMetadataTimeline which simply store the URIs, not the actual metadata itself.

cachedCollectionMetadata?: Metadata<T>;
cachedBadgeMetadata: BadgeMetadataDetails<T>[];
collectionMetadataTimeline: CollectionMetadataTimeline<T>[];
badgeMetadataTimeline: BadgeMetadataTimeline<T>[];
export interface TimelineItem<T extends NumberType> {
  timelineTimes: UintRange<T>[];

export interface CollectionMetadata {
  uri: string
  customData: string

export interface BadgeMetadata<T extends NumberType> {
  uri: string
  customData: string
  badgeIds: UintRange<T>[]

export interface BadgeMetadataTimeline<T extends NumberType> extends TimelineItem<T> {
  badgeMetadata: BadgeMetadata<T>[]

export interface CollectionMetadataTimeline<T extends NumberType> extends TimelineItem<T> {
  collectionMetadata: CollectionMetadata
export interface BadgeMetadataDetails<T extends NumberType> {
    metadataId?: T;
    badgeIds: UintRange<T>[];
    metadata: Metadata<T>;
    uri?: string;
    customData?: string;

    toUpdate?: boolean;
cachedBadgeMetdata: [{
    "metadata": {
        "name": "Verification",
        "description": "The Verification Badge is a symbol of trust and authenticity in the digital world. It's the ultimate proof that the holder's identity or credentials have been verified, making it invaluable for influencers, celebrities, and professionals. With this badge, users can gain credibility, attract more followers, and ensure that their online presence is recognized as genuine and reliable.",
        "image": "ipfs://QmPfdaLWBUxH6ZrWmX1t7zf6zDiNdyZomafBqY5V5Lgwvj",
        "fetchedAt": "1704837218398",
        "fetchedAtBlock": "24",
        "_isUpdating": false
    "badgeIds": [
            "start": "1",
            "end": "1"
    "uri": "ipfs://QmTpELFKNwxTEHPSb8Jkkbyt76syfGMdnM8XvQtizZaz8Q",
    "metadataId": "1"
}, ...
cachedCollectionMetadata: {
    "name": "Verification",
    "description": "The Verification Badge is a symbol of trust and authenticity in the digital world. It's the ultimate proof that the holder's identity or credentials have been verified, making it invaluable for influencers, celebrities, and professionals. With this badge, users can gain credibility, attract more followers, and ensure that their online presence is recognized as genuine and reliable.",
    "image": "ipfs://QmPfdaLWBUxH6ZrWmX1t7zf6zDiNdyZomafBqY5V5Lgwvj",
    "fetchedAt": "1704837218398",
    "fetchedAtBlock": "24",
    "_isUpdating": false

Views / Paginations

The collection interface uses a view system with paginations + bookmarks.

Views have a base viewType describing the query type and a unique viewId for identification. Each request you will pass in a bookmark obtained from the previous request (pass in '' for the first request). This will fetch the next 25 documents for that view. Once no more docs can be fetched, the returned hasMore will be false.

The collection interface supports the following base viewType values.

  • 'transferActivity' : Fetches latest transfer activity documents.

  • 'reviews': Fetches latest reviews for collection

  • 'owners': Fetches owners of the collection

export type CollectionViewKey = 'transferActivity' | 'reviews' | 'owners';
const hasMore = collection.viewHasMore('owners')
const pagination = collection.getViewPagination('owners')
const bookmark = collection.getViewBookmark('owners')

await collection.fetchNextForView(BitBadgesApi, 'owners', 'owners');

const ownersView = collection.getOwnersView('owners')

The collection interface also supports different filtering options. Make sure that all fetches with the same viewId specify the same filter options.

viewsToFetch?: {
  //The base view type to fetch.
  viewType: CollectionViewKey;
  //A unique view ID. This is used for pagination. All fetches w/ same ID should be made with same criteria.
  viewId: string;
  //A bookmark to pass in for pagination. "" for first request.
  bookmark: string;
  //If defined, we will return the oldest items first..
  oldestFirst?: boolean;


viewsToFetch: [{
    viewType: 'owners',
    viewId: 'uniqueOwnersId',
    bookmark: ''


    owners: [....],
    views: {
        uniqueOwnersId: {
            ids: [...],
            pagination: {
                bookmark: 'abc',
                hasMore: true

Next Request:

viewsToFetch: [{
    viewType: 'owners',
    viewId: 'uniqueOwnersId',
    bookmark: 'abc'

And so on. Remember, each response is confined to its request, so it will fetch the next 25 docs, but you have to append it to the previous 25 docs as explained above.

The ids returned in each view will correspond to the _docId field in its corresponding array (e.g. collection.activity for the 'latestActivity' view).

This logic is handled behind the scenes with the corresponding helper function

const collectedView = collection.getOwnersView('owners');

Fetch Route

POST /api/v0/collections - (Request, Response)

Batch fetch details about multiple collections.

export interface GetCollectionsPayload {
    collectionsToFetch: ({
        collectionId: NumberType;
    } & GetMetadataForCollectionPayload &

export interface GetAdditionalCollectionDetailsPayload {
     * If present, the specified views will be fetched.
    viewsToFetch?: {
        viewType: CollectionViewKey;
        viewId: string;
        bookmark: string;

     * If true, the total and mint balances will be fetched and will be put in owners[].
    fetchTotalAndMintBalances?: boolean;
     * If present, the merkle challenges corresponding to the specified merkle challenge IDs will be fetched.
    challengeTrackersToFetch?: ChallengeTrackerIdDetails<NumberType>[];
     * If present, the approvals trackers corresponding to the specified approvals tracker IDs will be fetched.
    approvalTrackersToFetch?: AmountTrackerIdDetails<NumberType>[];
     * If true, we will append defaults (such as timelines) with empty values where applicable.
    handleAllAndAppendDefaults?: boolean;

export interface GetMetadataForCollectionPayload {
     * If present, we will fetch the metadata corresponding to the specified options.
    metadataToFetch?: MetadataFetchOptions;

export interface MetadataFetchOptions {
     * If true, collection metadata will not be fetched.
    doNotFetchCollectionMetadata?: boolean;
     * If present, the metadata corresponding to the specified metadata IDs will be fetched. See documentation for how to determine metadata IDs.
    metadataIds?: NumberType[] | UintRange<NumberType>[];
     * If present, the metadata corresponding to the specified URIs will be fetched.
    uris?: string[];
     * If present, the metadata corresponding to the specified badge IDs will be fetched.
    badgeIds?: NumberType[] | UintRange<NumberType>[];
export interface GetCollectionBatchSuccessResponse<T extends NumberType> {
    collections: BitBadgesCollection<T>[];

Last updated