Number of Uses
Plugin ID: numUses
This plugin restricts the number of times specific addresses can claim and the maximum overall amount of times users can claim.
Public Parameters
Public Parameters
maxUses: The maximum number of uses allowed for the code overall.
hideCurrentState: If true, we will NOT reveal the state to users by default.
If you are claim creator / authorized viewer, use the fetch private parameters flag and it will return the state.
The publicState will just be an empty {} by default.
Note that this hides it within the context of the claim, but if the claim action is public (e.g. public badge assignment, public lists), the state may still be leaked there.
displayAsUnlimited: This is a UI display option. When enabled, we label the claim as "unlimited uses" to the user. Note this does NOT actually make it unlimited behind the scenes. We still track normally. If you use this option, we recommend setting maxUses to something crazy that will never be met like > 1000000000 uses.
Please use with hideCurrentState = true.
This is typically used with Sign In with BitBadges claims.
Private Parameters
State is maintained by incrementing the numUses by 1 every claim by any user. For each user, we track the claim numbers assigned to that user.
Default State
The default state of the plugin is defined as follows. Claim numbers are zero-based.
Public State
State is made public as-is, plus the usedClaimNumbers object.
Note: The claimedUsers object is not made public by default for scalability reasons. You need to manually set the fetchAllClaimedUsers flag to true in the API request to get the claimed users. If not specified, the claimedUsers object will be an empty object {}.
Last updated