Do You Need a Custom Plugin?
Do you actually need a custom plugin?
Before going through the entire plugin creation process, consider whether you actually need a plugin for your use case. Get creative! Test build one in the developer portal to see if stuff is already implemented for you.
For example,
Use the Custom Validate plugin as a more streamlined alternative.
Use dynamic stores to allow BitBadges to maintain user lists (emails, addresses, or other identifiers) for you.
Use the Codes plugin and give out claim codes from your side to those who meet the criteria
Give out a secret password to those who satisfy a criteria
See if Zapier can satisfy what you need
Redirect users to the claim page w/ information like claim codes auto-filled out rather than needing a full custom plugin integration.
Many apps / services use emails to identify users. If you have a list of emails, consider copy / pasting them into the Email plugin rather than needing to implement everything. Or in a similar fashion, if you have the users' crypto addresses, you can use the Address Restrictions plugin.
And so on.
If you can implement everything you need while using existing plugins, consider directly updating the claim parameters programmatically or creating a configuration tool rather than a plugin.
Configuration ToolsOr, consider creating a Zapier integration instead of a BitBadges custom plugin. Zapier's functionality is more complete than what BitBadges offers, especially for authenticated routes.
Last updated