The code for BitBadges can be found at Our plan is to go fully open-source in the future, but for now, certain parts of the code are not open-source.
Building On Top Of BitBadges
The best way to contribute to BitBadges is to build on top of it. Explore the rest of the documentation to learn more about how to build with BitBadges. The most common way to contribute is 1) building a custom plugin which checks criteria for a claim or 2) building a utility tool to easily allow users to offer utility gated by badges, claims, or anything else.
If you do build a cool tool, create a new listing on the Explore page (see the developer portal for more details).
Rewarding Developers
Checkout our campaigns page here for any ongoing hackathons or events.
Other Methods
Let us know if you have another idea, are having trouble, or how we can help. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to build with BitBadges.
Last updated