
BitBadges uses timeline-based fields to allow dynamic, time-dependent values for various attributes. This feature enables automatic updates to field values based on the current time, without requiring additional blockchain transactions.

Key Concepts

  1. Time Representation:

    • Times are represented as UNIX time (milliseconds since the epoch).

    • Epoch: Midnight at the beginning of January 1, 1970, UTC.

  2. Value Assignment:

    • Values are assigned to specific time ranges.

    • No overlapping time ranges are allowed for a single field.

  3. Default Behavior:

    • If no value is set for the current time, the field assumes an empty/null/default value.


Timeline-based fields extend the TimelineItem interface:

export interface TimelineItem<T extends NumberType> {
  timelineTimes: UintRange<T>[];

Example Timeline Fields

The collection interface includes the following timeline-based fields:

  • managerTimeline: ManagerTimeline<T>[]

  • collectionMetadataTimeline: CollectionMetadataTimeline<T>[]

  • badgeMetadataTimeline: BadgeMetadataTimeline<T>[]

  • offChainBalancesMetadataTimeline: OffChainBalancesMetadataTimeline<T>[]

  • customDataTimeline: CustomDataTimeline<T>[]

  • standardsTimeline: StandardsTimeline<T>[]

  • isArchivedTimeline: IsArchivedTimeline<T>[]

Example: CollectionMetadataTimeline

Protocol Buffers Definition

message CollectionMetadataTimeline {
  CollectionMetadata collectionMetadata = 1;
  repeated UintRange timelineTimes = 2;

Usage Example

const collectionMetadataTimeline = [
    timelineTimes: [{ start: 1n, end: 10n }],
    collectionMetadata: {
      uri: 'ipfs://abc123',
      customData: '',
    timelineTimes: [{ start: 11n, end: 10000000n }],
    collectionMetadata: {
      uri: 'ipfs://xyz456',
      customData: '',

In this example:

  • From time 1 to 10, the collection metadata URI is 'ipfs://abc123'.

  • From time 11 to 10000000, the collection metadata URI is 'ipfs://xyz456'.

  • At time 5, the first entry would be used.

  • At time 20, the second entry would be used.

Practical Application

This feature allows for automatic, time-based updates to collection attributes. For example, you can set a collection's metadata URL to change at specific times:

const metadataTimeline = [
    timelineTimes: [{ start: 1672531200000n, end: 1680307199000n }], // Jan 1, 2023 to Mar 31, 2023
    collectionMetadata: { uri: 'https://example1.com', customData: '' },
    timelineTimes: [{ start: 1680307200000n, end: 1704067199000n }], // Apr 1, 2023 to Dec 31, 2023
    collectionMetadata: { uri: 'https://example2.com', customData: '' },

This setup would automatically switch the metadata URL from example1.com to example2.com on April 1, 2023, without requiring any additional blockchain transactions.

Last updated