
Certain fields in the BitBadges interface are timeline-based fields. This means that you can set when a field is a certain value based on the current time. Whenever it is queried, it is expected that the querier uses the value set for the current time.

Setting a field to have multiple values at the same time is disallowed (i.e. no duplicate timeline times). If the current time does not have a corresponding value set, we assume the value is empty / null / default.

Times are defined via UNIX time or the number of milliseconds elapsed since the epoch, which is defined as the midnight at the beginning of January 1, 1970, UTC.

For example, one can set the collection metadata URL to be https://example1.com from January to March and have it automatically switch to https://example2.com for March to December. The switch happens automatically and doesn't need any blockchain transaction to trigger it at that time.

The collection interface has the following:

managerTimeline: ManagerTimeline<T>[],
collectionMetadataTimeline: CollectionMetadataTimeline<T>[],
badgeMetadataTimeline: BadgeMetadataTimeline<T>[],
offChainBalancesMetadataTimeline: OffChainBalancesMetadataTimeline<T>[],
customDataTimeline: CustomDataTimeline<T>[],
standardsTimeline: StandardsTimeline<T>[],
contractAddressTimeline: ContractAddressTimeline<T>[],
isArchivedTimeline: IsArchivedTimeline<T>[],

These all extend the following interface

export interface TimelineItem<T extends NumberType> {
  timelineTimes: UintRange<T>[];


message CollectionMetadataTimeline {
  CollectionMetadata collectionMetadata = 1;
  repeated UintRange timelineTimes = 2;

Below would denote collection metadata which has URI abc123 from time 1 to time 10 and URI xyz456 from 11-1000000.

  timelineTimes: [{ start: 1n, end: 10n }],
  collectionMetadata: {
    uri: 'ipfs://abc123',
    customData: '',
}, {
  timelineTimes: [{ start: 11n, end: 10000000n }],
  collectionMetadata: {
    uri: 'ipfs://xyz456',
    customData: '',

If it is time 5, we use the first. If it is time 20, we use the second.

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