Signing - Ethereum

Pre-Requisite: You have generated the transaction and have it in the txn variable (see prior pages).

You have two options (EIP-712 and JSON), but EIP-712 is limited in terms of message size.


You can simply sign the JSON, similar to the signatures for other chains.

Wallet Connect / WAGMI

import {
} from "bitbadgesjs-sdk"
import { signMessage } from "@wagmi/core"

const signTxn = async (context: TxContext, payload: TransactionPayload, simulate: boolean) => {
  if (!account) throw new Error("Account not found.")

  let sig = ""
  if (!simulate) {
    const message = payload.jsonToSign;
    sig = await signMessage({
        message: message

  const txBody = createTxBroadcastBody(context, payload, sig)
  return txBody


const sig = await window.ethereum.request({
    method: 'personal_sign', //May be eth_sign on some wallets
    params: [address, payload.jsonToSign]


Important: EIP-712 is limited in message size. Due to its poor performance, it greatly slows down the blockchain, so we only allow it to be used for small messages.

payload.jsonToSign.length > 1000

Signing with Wallet Connect / WAGMI

import {
} from "bitbadgesjs-sdk"
import { signTypedData } from "@wagmi/core"

const signTxn = async (context: TxContext, payload: TransactionPayload, simulate: boolean) => {
  if (!account) throw new Error("Account not found.")

  let sig = ""
  if (!simulate) {
    sig = await signTypedData({
      message: payload.eipToSign.message as any,
      types: payload.eipToSign.types as any,
      domain: payload.eipToSign.domain,
      primaryType: payload.eipToSign.primaryType,

  const txBody = createTxBroadcastBodyEthereum(context, payload, sig)
  return txBody

Signing with Metamask

To sign with Metamask, replace the signature logic in the snipper above with the code below.

//Add necessary imports
import { _TypedDataEncoder } from 'ethers/lib/utils.js';

// Init Metamask
await window.ethereum.enable()

const ethAddress = '...'

//Option 1: window.ethereum
const eip = _TypedDataEncoder.getPayload(payload.eipToSign.domain, types_, payload.eipToSign.message);
const sig = await window.ethereum.request({
    method: 'eth_signTypedData_v4',
    params: [ethAddress, JSON.stringify(eip)],

//Option 2: Use the signer._signTypedData from ethers directly (
//It will give an error with an unused EIP712Domain type, so you have to remove that before calling it as seen below.
//It adds this type automatically.

const types_ = Object.entries(payload.eipToSign.types)
    .filter(([key]) => key !== 'EIP712Domain')
    .reduce((types, [key, attributes]: [string, TypedDataField[]]) => {
      types[key] = attributes.filter((attr) => attr.type !== 'EIP712Domain')
      return types
    }, {} as Record<string, TypedDataField[]>)

// Method name may be changed in the future, see
return await signer._signTypedData(payload.eipToSign.domain, types_, payload.eipToSign.message)


This will leave you with a variable which is to be submitted to a running blockchain node. See Broadcast to a Node.

Full Snippet

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