Getting Server ID / Role IDs

Getting Server ID (Guild ID)

  1. Enable Developer Mode:

    • Open Discord settings by clicking the gear icon near your username.

    • Go to "Advanced" in the left sidebar.

    • Toggle on "Developer Mode".

  2. Obtain Server ID:

    • Right-click on your server's name in the server list.

    • Click "Copy ID" at the bottom of the context menu.

    • The server ID is now in your clipboard.

Getting Role Names and IDs

  1. View Server Roles:

    • Right-click on your server's name and select "Server Settings".

    • Click on "Roles" in the left sidebar.

    • You'll see a list of all roles in the server.

  2. Get Role ID:

    • Right-click on a role name.

    • Click "Copy ID".

    • The role ID is now in your clipboard.

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