➕Valid Badge IDs
badgeIdsToAdd / validBadgeIds
Regardless of balance storage method, the range of valid badge IDs (e.g., 1-100) must be defined on-chain in the core collection details.
Once an ID is added, it cannot be unadded. IDs must start at 1 and have no gaps.
This range is specified during collection creation or update. Updates must obey the canUpdateValidBadgeIds permission, which can freeze or permit adding certain IDs.
Note this is separate from the circulating supply. The circulating supply is managed through on-chain transfers / approvals or off-chain allocations (whichever is applicable). The circulating supply must obey the valid badge IDs defined on-chain.
Creating Badges
During creation and update transaction (MsgCreateCollection and MsgUpdateCollection), you can specify the badge IDs ranges that are valid via the badgeIdsToAdd field.
Last updated