Valid Badge IDs

badgeIdsToAdd / validBadgeIds

  • Regardless of balance storage method, the range of valid badge IDs (e.g., 1-100) must be defined on-chain in the core collection details.

  • Once an ID is added, it cannot be unadded. IDs must start at 1 and have no gaps.

  • This range is specified during collection creation or update. Updates must obey the canUpdateValidBadgeIds permission, which can freeze or permit adding certain IDs.

  • Note this is separate from the circulating supply. The circulating supply is managed through on-chain transfers / approvals or off-chain allocations (whichever is applicable). The circulating supply must obey the valid badge IDs defined on-chain.

Creating Badges

During creation and update transaction (MsgCreateCollection and MsgUpdateCollection), you can specify the badge IDs ranges that are valid via the badgeIdsToAdd field.


  "creator": "bb1kfr2xajdvs46h0ttqadu50nhu8x4v0tc2wajnh",
  "badgeIdsToAdd": [
        "start": "1",
        "end": "100"
  "collectionPermissions": {
    "canUpdateValidBadgeIds": [....],

Last updated