Claim Links (URLs)

There are two main methods for users to claim. This is only applicable if users are claiming in-site. If you are auto-claiming on behalf of users, this is not necessary.

1. Direct Navigation

Users can navigate directly to the claim page and enter everything manually into the forms.

Users can be given a claim link to navigate it. The link can be customized to auto-fill certain details for them.

Auto-filled Details

When using the claim link method, the following details can be auto-filled:

  • code: The unique code for the Codes plugin (assumes only one code plugin)

  • password: A password for the Passwords plugin (assumes only one password plugin)

  • claimId: The unique identifier for the claim. This lets us know which one to highlight.

  • customBody: The preconfigured JSON encoded claim body for the user. See here for more information. Note that you will have to URL encode it.

  • approvalLevel: "collection" | "incoming" | "outgoing". We scan for the claimId (collection level first) but for on-chain collections, you may have claims for user level approvals as well. This is used in the case of duplicate claimIds on different levels.{"exampleInstanceId":%20"abc123"}

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