
Do you actually need a custom plugin?

Before going through the entire plugin creation process, consider whether you actually need a plugin for your use case. Get creative!

For example,

  • Use the Custom Validate plugin as a more streamlined alternative.

  • Use the Codes plugin and give out claim codes from your side to those who meet the criteria

  • Give out a secret password to those who satisfy a criteria

  • See if Zapier can satisfy what you need

  • Redirect users to the claim page w/ information like claim codes auto-filled out rather than needing a full custom plugin integration.

  • Many apps / services use emails to identify users. If you have a list of emails, consider copy / pasting them into the Email plugin rather than needing to implement everything. Or in a similar fashion, if you have the users' crypto addresses, you can use the Address Restrictions plugin.

  • And so on.

If you can implement everything you need while using existing plugins, consider creating a configuration tool rather than a plugin.

Configuration Tools

Or, consider creating a Zapier integration instead of a BitBadges custom plugin. Zapier's functionality is more complete than what BitBadges offers, especially for authenticated routes.

Custom Validation URL Plugin: Streamlined Alternative

If your plugin can function with at most this information and returning a 200 OK success code, consider using the preconfigured Custom Validation URL plugin.

This is a streamlined alternative that can be used for many use cases with no setup required.

This uses the same request / response flow as custom plugins themselves except the pluginSecret is the inputted secret instead. Note that no user inputs, state management, etc are available, just a simple POST request with a 200 OK expected

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