Post-Claim Actions / Webhooks

Need to perform some additional action upon the user claiming successfully? There are two ways you can wait until success.

  1. You will receive the claim attempt ID within the context. You can then poll with the API to check its status. This may take a couple seconds for processing.

  2. If creating a custom plugin, you can subscribe to status webhooks. We will send a duplicate request post-completion with attemptStatus='success'. Note this sends to the same handler, same URI, same method, so you have to catch the attemptStatus accordingly.

    1. You should send a 200 OK (or however your plugin is configured) during execution time to allow the claim to succeed.

In-Site Webhook Plugins

Consider using the Custom Validation URL in-site plugin or the Success Webhook in-site plugin and trigger an action from those. The Success Webhook plugin will send a request upon success, but the Custom Validation URL will send during execution (so does not guarantee success). The Custom Validation URL expects a 200 OK, or else, the claim will fail.

Custom Plugins as Webhooks

Or, you can implement your own custom plugin. In the configuration form, you can select to receive a success webhook with _attemptStatus: 'success' if you are implementing logic that is dependent on the success of the claim.

// At your plugin handler URL

const body = req.body;
  cosmosAddress: 'cosmos1zd5dsage58jfrgmsu377pk6w0q5zhc67fn4gsl',
  claimId: '7a5b61ce3f2cf5eeb89f453c87f2b970328356395bf4ac4a23702d2fb0fb63c9',
  _isSimulation: false,
  lastUpdated: 1722088273192,
  createdAt: 1722088273192,
  claimAttemptId: '',
  isClaimNumberAssigner: false,
  _attemptStatus: 'executing', // or 'success'
  maxUses: 1,
  currUses: 0,
  instanceId: 'e44ba88643381cd5fa09be288490a92c64add8bcd2327d29a11a4227fab55e5e',
  pluginId: '...'

if (body._isSimulation) return;

const claimAtemptId = body.claimAttemptId;
const status = await BitBadgesApi.getClaimAttemptStatus(claimAttemptId);

// Handle 

Webhooks by Zapier

Consider using the Webhooks by Zapier plugin on Zapier and trigger additional actions upon execution or success.

BitBadges API

If you already are auto-claiming with the BitBadges API, you already know when users claim, so you can just implement whatever you need right there.

Or, you can poll the GET claims endpoint to detect when new users have successfully claimed.

Last updated