
Each collection can optionally have a manager who can be granted special admin privileges if desired. Note that when you give up the manager role, you give up all privileges associated with it.


  • Can delete the collection?

  • Can archive the collection? Archiving makes the collection read-only and rejects all transactions (until an unarchive transaction).

  • Can update core collection details? such as metadata URLs, contract address, standard, etc.

  • For off-chain balances, can update the balances?

  • Transfer the role of manager?

  • Can create more badges?

  • Can update the transferability aka collection's approvals (see here)?

And more!

Off-Chain Permissions

Any tool can potentially offer custom off-chain utility exclusive to the manager as well!

Fine-Grained Customizability

All on-chain permissions can be customized on many fine-grained levels (which badges can be updated? at what times? what values? etc.)


There are three states that a permission can be in at any one time:

  1. Forbidden + Permanently Frozen: This permission is forbidden and will always remain forbidden.

  2. Permitted + Not Frozen: This permission is currently permitted but can be changed to one of the other two states.

  3. Permitted + Permanently Frozen: This permission is forbidden and will always remain permitted

There is no forbidden + not frozen because theoretically, it could be updated to permitted at any time and executed (thus making it permitted).

Last updated