
Collections can define metadata for both the collection and individual badges via their collectionMetadataTimeline and badgeMetadataTimeline, respectively. Both will follow the same metadata interface, as explained here. For the badgeMetadataTimeline, we take first match of a specific badge ID via linear scan, so the .badgeMetadata[] order matters.

Within the collection interface, this would look like:

"collectionMetadataTimeline": [
    "timelineTimes": [
        "start": "1",
        "end": "18446744073709551615"
    "collectionMetadata": {
      "uri": "ipfs://Qmf8xxN2fwXGgouue3qsJtN8ZRSsnoHxM9mGcynTPhh6Ub",
      "customData": ""
"badgeMetadataTimeline": [
    "timelineTimes": [
        "start": "1",
        "end": "18446744073709551615"
    "badgeMetadata": [
        "uri": "ipfs://Qmf8xxN2fwXGgouue3qsJtN8ZRSsnoHxM9mGcynTPhh6Ub/{id}",
        "badgeIds": [
            "start": "1",
            "end": "10000000000000"
        "customData": ""

Expected Interface (BitBadges API / Indexer / Site)

By default, we expect the collection and badge metadata to follow the format shown below for the BitBadges indexer / API. However, this is only a default expected format, and we envision that many different metadata standards can develop and be supported over time.

Using {id} Placeholder - If the badge metadata URI includes "{id}" anywhere in the URI, it is expected to be dynamically replaced by the corresponding badge ID number. For example: "...abc.com/metadata/{id}" becomes "...abc.com/metadata/1" for badge ID 1 (see Compatibility for more info).

Markdown - Markdown is supported for descriptions.

export interface Metadata<T extends NumberType> {
  name: string;
  description: string;
  image: string;
  video?: string;
  category?: string;
  externalUrl?: string;
  tags?: string[];

  socials?: {
    [key: string]: string;
  //If a collection hosts balances off-chain, you can specify details about where they are hosted and how they are assigned
  offChainTransferabilityInfo?: {
    host: string
    assignMethod: string

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