πŸ•΅οΈAuthentication with Badges

Authentication is a great use case for badges. For example, grant access to this user if they own the membership badge but deny those who do not. Authentication can be facilitated in many settings (in-person, digitally, etc).

For developers, see here:

πŸ–±οΈSign In with BitBadges

Sign In With BitBadges Popup Window

Digitally, you can authenticate users and verify badge ownership, such as badge-gating a website.

Sign In with BitBadges is a way for any website to authenticate while outsourcing all logic to a BitBadges popup. This is similar to Sign In with Google or another big tech company, but everything uses a decentralized, open-source protocol (an extension of Sign In with Ethereum).

QR Codes

QR codes can be created for verification purposes when you need to pre-generate signatures for a later time. For example, you may not expect users to have wallets handy at authentication time, so you have them pre-generate a QR code instead to present. An example use case might be presenting a QR code at a ticket gate in real life. QR codes may either be one-view only or stored in your BitBadges account (under the Authentication Codes) tab, depending on what the provider wants. They can also be exported and saved using multiple methods, according to your preferences.

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